Take The Sleep Apnea Screening Test

If you snore loudly, wake up feeling tired, cannot concentrate, or feel irritable, it is possible you have an undiagnosed sleep disorder!

SNORING - Do you snore loudly? (loud enough to be heard through closed doors or your bed-partner elbows you for snoring at night)*

TIRED - Do you often feel tired, fatigued, or sleepy during the daytime?*

OBSERVE - Has anyone observed you stop breathing or choking/gasping during your sleep?*

PRESSURE - Do you have or are being treated for high blood pressure?*

BMI - Is your BMI more than 35?*

AGE - Are you older than 50?*

NECK - Large neck circumference (Measured around Adam’s apple) ≥40cm?*

GENDER - Are you male?*


Take the online test here:


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