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500,000+Medical buyers
30,000+Engaged subscribers
Every 3 minutesBuyer enquiry made

What is MedicalSearch

A platform where medical buyers find new equipment and suppliers

MedicalSearch is Australia's leading medical marketplace where valuable buyers source the equipment they need every year.


Showcase your trade credentials

Buyers select suppliers based on credentials they showcase in their Trade Assurance Panel.

Get included in valuable quote requests happening now

MedicalSearch's Get Quotes tool empowers healthcare buyers to compare quotes and make confident, well-informed buying decisions.


Discover 35,000+ products from 3,000+ suppliers

From vital signs monitors to dental chairs and X-Ray Systems to operating tables - MedicalSearch provides the tools buyers need to discover the right products and suppliers with confidence.

Why suppliers love MedicalSearch

Storefront Packages

“Significant ROI and ongoing pipeline of valuable opportunities” Gina Kent, Marketing Manager ANZ, Fujifilm Sonosite
Choose from 3 options
Standard Premium SitePartner
Average 2X more
sales & branding
Average 3X more
sales & branding
Get Quotes
i Access more quote requests to increase sales
i Rank higher in categories & searches to increase exposure
Content Capacity
i Showcase products & articles to be found more widely
Category Branding
i Priority feature on directory carousel
Hot Products
i Product spotlights on site & email
Assisted Uploads
i Products or articles our team upload to save you time
Home Page
i Priority feature on the home page
Industry Placements
i Priority in themed email newsletters & site-wide campaigns
Trade Assurance
i Show credentials & verified badge to boost confidence
i Access Supplier panel dashboard & analytics
Dedicated Consultant
i Liaise with an expert to boost performance
i Appear in search bar suggestions to be more discovered
Cover Image & Video
i Showcase a branded cover image and company video
Dedicated Storefront
i Remove other suppliers logos from your main profile
Include Money-back guarantee assessment
See our Frequently Asked Questions and Terms & Conditions


Why do buyers use our platform?
Buyers know that when it comes to buying machinery and equipment they so heavily depend on, confidence in the right decision is key. With ever-increasing choice, it takes a huge amount of time and effort to research different supplier websites, or contact companies for different quotes to compare. Buyers need a much easier way to find exactly what they’re looking for.

On our platform, in just a few easy steps buyers simply explain what they need, connect with a range of expert suppliers, compare their quotes, and choose the equipment and supplier that's right for them. That's why buyers love our Get Quotes tool to fast track their way to confident buying decisions.
How do suppliers use our platform?
Storefronts are a powerful digital marketing channel helping suppliers attract and engage new and existing customers. With a Storefront, suppliers showcase their products to reach valuable buyers looking for solutions so they can drive sales for their business.

Suppliers attract even more sales by showcasing why buyers should choose their company. They can publish articles and videos to boost buyer engagement, include product spec sheets, brand their Storefront for inspiration, and access 24/7 marketing Analytics to track and optimise performance so they can maximise their return on investment.
How do buyers discover our platform?
We invest in growing our audience of buyers through all kinds of digital and traditional marketing channels. By featuring so many products, suppliers and industry content, we attract buyers through search engines and social media channels, however one of our biggest sources of traffic comes from repeat visitors; buyers that already know and trust us.

We have teams actively experimenting with driving the high quality traffic and usage results in both audience growth and on site conversions, with marketing avenues including

Direct Traffic: We've been building our platform and driving buyer loyalty for 15+ years, which means millions of buyers know and come directly to us to find suppliers.

Email newsletters: A significant portion of our traffic is driven by regular data-driven email newsletters that we send out to highly engaged opt-in subscribers, promoting new products, content and industry news.

Search Engines: We invest heavily in paid search marketing as well as having dedicated SEO teams to improve our organic search rankings.

Social: We utilise selected social channels to promote bespoke as well as user generated content.

Partner network: We continue to expand our partner network to increase awareness in our respective industries.
Why are the buyer's details hidden for some types of our enquiries?
This means you have a Basic Profile (free listing) on our platform. If buyers enquire with you directly you get their full details. However when buyers use our Get Quotes service, their full enquiry details are only sent to upgraded (Storefront) companies in the relevant product category. Basic Profiles are virtually hidden on the platform and with limited features available.
Why should I join sooner rather than later?
Our category ranking system (i.e. where your products will be featured in your respective categories) work largely by your activation date as well as the package level you choose.

That means the sooner you start (and the higher the package), the higher up in the category you will feature for more exposure, and the more buyers will see your company and products, which drives you significantly more enquiries and sales opportunities.

We are growing fast (more in the last year than the previous 3 years combined!) and many companies are joining us, so secure your position sooner for an immediate and long term advantage!
How do I know this is going to work?
As with all digital marketing, we experiment and rapidly iterate for optimal results, and have been doing this successfully with hundreds of key companies (some of the biggest brands in the world!) across hundreds of categories over 15+ years.

During our time in business we have established best practices and methodologies, knowing that our success only comes from your success (i.e. driving you sales, return on investment and brand/product/content awareness). Hence from day 1 of your Onboarding, we seek to understand your marketing objectives and success metrics, to formulate a bespoke marketing action plan to drive you the best results.

Your dedicated Account Manager is also benchmarked internally on your success, which means they are highly committed to ensure your success.
On the payment form, who is Industracom and Ezidebit?
Industracom is our parent company (we operate several marketplaces including IndustrySearch, MedicalSearch and HospitalityHub).

Ezidebit is our online payment gateway offering fast and secure payment processing
What happens after I sign up?
Once you have completed the online payment form (which only takes a few minutes to complete), you will receive a confirmation email.

We will then get in touch right away with a calendar booking link so you can book in a call with your Onboarding Specialist at a convenient time for you.

The Onboarding Specialist will walk you through the platform's features and how to best utilise them to drive sales, help you stand out and focus on your priority products as well as answer any questions you may have.
What happens if I want to cancel after a few months?
Providing you have completed the minimum term, from there it’s simply rolling monthly which you can cancel anytime by letting us know with 30 days notice.
Why is there no option for credit card payment?
Direct debit via bank is the preferred system and how it is set up across all our customers for 2 main reasons:

Bank account direct debit has significantly less failed payments than credit cards: Our payment system ties directly into your Storefront and hence it ensures it’s always kept online to secure your category rankings, content and data in place. The ranking most importantly gives you competitive advantage over other companies in your category. A failed payment that is more likely with credit cards means that your Storefront could accidentally go offline causing your ranking and content to reset and is something we aim to avoid.

Avoid Credit Card Fees: We would like to ensure that you as the customer are not paying for additional monthly transaction fees, which are higher with credit cards.
Is there an option to pay upfront for the year?
The reason we only offer Monthly direct debit payments (and how it's set up and streamlined across our entire customer base) is because the payment system is integrated automatically into the Storefront system. If a Storefront goes offline, your category ranking (which is very effective for your competitive advantage on the platform), content and data gets reset.

As long as payments are continuous/active it flags the Storefront as active and therefore your Storefront is protected from accidentally going offline and having your ranking and content reset. After the minimum term you are able to cancel anytime with 30 days notice.


Ask us anything, we're here to help