Closing G aps with Technology to Reduce Social Isolation

Family Interaction in Aged Care Technology to Close the G ap

It’s well known that family interaction in aged care plays a major role in a resident’s emotional well being.

Aged care organisations do their best to engage with residents every day, but with increasing workloads and staff shortages across the sector, they need to prioritise their time elsewhere.

There is no doubt that at some point, a family member or friend has driven right past your client’s place and thought.  “I really should stop and just say hi”. Unfortunately, they are all busy with life and postpone that sometimes depressing visit… We need to turn to technology to solve these issues that won’t only make a difference to your residents but may change someone’s life.

We have been trialling our latest technology piece the Genus.Care smart frame. Offering family the ability to instantly share photos, have a video chat and even know if your family member is up and about each day.

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