Reduce Testing Time For Complete PFT

Measurement of Spirometry, Lung Volumes, and Diffusion typically require a 1-hour testing block.

This allows for 6-8 complete pulmonary function tests in a given day, with much of the hour used for explaining the measurements to the patient, required wait-time between efforts, or allowing the patient to rest.

PulmOne’s MiniBox+ is an innovative system that significantly reduces the amount of time needed for complete Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT). Using a sophisticated lung volume measurement (LVM) method, and streamlining data collection for spirometry and diffusion through intuitive touch-screen software, complete PFT can now be performed in half the time.

The MiniBox+ PFT Machine makes everything easier

The time requirements and difficulties of coaching patients using LVM, such as gas dilution or body plethysmography, are well known. Nitrogen washout can last up to 7 minutes and requires a minimum 15-minute wait period between efforts. Body plethysmography requires controlled panting against a closed valve for 4-7 seconds, it may require multiple efforts and coaching to get the required depth and frequency of such efforts correct, and of course, it requires patients to climb into and sit inside a closed cabin.

With the MiniBox+ PFT Machine, patients only need to perform tidal breathing, during which several ~100 millisecond interruptions occur during inspiration. This mouth pressure data and its effect on the 15-liter internal box with known volume and pressure is combined into a data model and algorithm to determine thoracic gas volume. After six successful automatic interruptions, the patient performs a slow vital capacity to complete the measurement. The entire effort takes ~90 seconds to complete. No cabin to fit into and no gas to re-breathe.

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